Chief Engineer (Power) Energy Department, Government of the Punjab invites applications from stable and enthusiastic domiciled m Puniab, to raise the following temporary posts on a contract basis for approximately one year under the prefect ‘Establishment of Meter Testing Lab and Additional Electric Inspector offices in Punjab”.
It is good news for unemployed youth seeking government jobs that the federal government has decided to recruit for vacant posts in federal departments and ministries. The required qualifications ‘experience and other conditions are given as under.
Punjab Energy Department Jobs Application Form
Applications for BS-t1 and about (Sr No 1 to 7) should be submitted online through Applcaticns beiow BS-11 (Sr. No 8 to 12) shall be submitted on plain paper ciearty menboning ihe name cf post in the Office of Chief Engineer (Power), 1st Floor.
Central Design Building, Imgation Secretariat. OkJ Anarkaii, Lahore (Attested copies of all relevant documents including CNIC. education certificates’ degrees, domide, experience certificates, 3-Nos. passport size photographs, etc. most Desent alongwitn the application).
The candidates who have already submitted appkcations in response to previous advertisement (IPL# 10608) need to apply afresh 6 Cand dates already workrg m Government / Serm-Govemmert / Autonomous Bodies may apply tnrough proper channel.
Interview dates
Five (OS) years relaxation in upper age Imit is admissible acamst above said pests for males and eight (08) years for females. The Contract Appontrrent is temporary in nature, non-transferable. job I post specie.
Non-persiorable & conferring ro right for regularization Reciutmert aganst the aforementioned posts will be processed m the light of France Department’s Notification dated 21.05 2008 and SSGAD’s Notification dated 23 07 2014
The reermtnent win be made strictly on merit or all Punjab basis in accordance with the Rules, select on criteria and other provisions of Recrjitments and Contract Appointment Policy- 2004 of S&GAD amendod from tme to tme.
Only short listed candidates wil be called for the lest interview. These appointments wi l be made purely on contract bass for a perod of approximately 01 year. The competent authonty reserves the nght to increase / reduce the No. of posts.
No TA / DA imE be paid to the candidates for test and iterview. 15% quota for femaes. 3% for disables and 5% for minontes i$ reserved. Transgender are encouraged to apply.The last date ‘or submission of appications is 10-05-2024 up to 05:00PM.

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.