Research and Development Foundation (RDF) is inviting applications under the PPP modality of the Education and Literacy Department, Government of Sindh-supported EMO Project from qualified candidates must Apply through SIBA Testing Service (STS).
RDF Jobs Application Form
Eligible candidates may apply through online
RDF Jobs Advertisement
How to Apply:
1. Eligible candidates may apply online
2. After submission of the online application, candidates may download a system-generated challan of Rs. 1,500/- for the Subject Specialist and Doctor Positions and Rs. 1,000/- for any other position, and deposit it in any branch of A8L/MCB bank Ltd. The challan fee Is non-refundable.
3. Local candidates are encouraged to apply.
4. Completion of a degree Is necessary for all categories.
5. The date, time, and venue of all tests shall be intimated through online call letters, SMS, and the website of S Testing Services (STS). Further, all updates and notifications about the test dates, admit slips result announcements or any other information shall be uploaded on the STS website/porta aswe . nt isregar candidates must visit the portal/website from time to time.
6 Age Limit: 40 Years.
7. All public servants should apply through proper channel he/she must app|y Online.
8. Candidates can appear In the written test for one position, so it is advised position.
9. No TA/DA shall be given for Test/lnterview.
10. For any query, please contact us at 071-5644200 or email to
11. The last date for receiving online applications Is May 20, 2024. Manager HR, Research and Development Foundation (RDF) A-50, Sindhl Muslim Cooperative Housing Society, Qaslmabad, Hyderabad.
+92 22 2102702-3

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.