Punjab Rescue 1122 Jobs 2024 CTS Online Application Forms, Advertisement and Last date

Central Testing Services (CTS) has started recuitment of PESD and you can get Online Application Forms For Various Categories of post in Rescue 1122 in Punjab. Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 has announced Latest Jobs for Headquarters departments & Various Districts of Punjab.

Punjab Rescue 1122 Jobs 2024 CTS Online Application Forms, Advertisement and Last date

Punjab Rescue 1122 Jobs CTS Online Application Forms

Candidate must apply at the official website of CTSP www.ctsp.org.pk. There are following posts are vacant in Headquarters and Various Districts.

Deputy Director (Project Evaluation)

Deputy Director(Monitoring & Enforcement)

Emergency Officers(Law)

Emergency Officer(Fire Safty)

Computer Programmer

Enforcement Officer

Assistant Controller Examination

Superitendent of examination


Junior Computer operator

Rescue Driver

Punjab Rescue 1122 Jobs 2024 CTS Online Application Forms, Advertisement and Last date

 Various Districts

Emergency Medicsl Technician(EMT)

Maintenance Techncian(MT)

Rescue Driver(LTV)

.Punjab Rescue 1122 Jobs 2024 CTS Online Application Forms, Advertisement and Last date

Dear Candidates, Deposit Test Fee on a Prescribed Central Testing Services Bank Challan and Send Paid Deposit Slip / Online Bank Transfer Receipt to Central Testing Services Pakistan Head Office :414 , F2, Jeff Heights, Main Boulevard Gulberg III ,Lahore before 24 June,2024 (Monday). Last date to apply is 24th June 2024.

How to Fill the Online Application Form ?

Candidates must Visit Central Testing Services website www.ctspak.com / www.ctsp.org.pk Click on the Central Testing Services Rescue 1122 Jobs Link www.ctsp.org.pk/Rescue Click on Register Yourself and give information details Name / Email / Mobile Number / CNIC/ Password / Confirm Password. After Register Yourself Login to your account and Fill Online Application form as required.

Give all required details Personal Information / Contact Information / Academic Information/ Experience Details Correctly. Candidate needs to mention/ apply for relevant provincial Qouta before submitting OnlineApplication. In academic record portion, write down your major subjects and percentage of secured marks intwodigits only. In academic record column “Board / University” (please write only particular boardnamein abbreviation (e.g., BISE Rawalpindi, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Lahore etc. Uploading of Candidates recent Passport Size Photo is Mandatory. Go to Jobs Dashboard and Apply for Suitable Job.

Download the Fee Challan / Paid the Prescribed Fee in Bank / Upload the Paid Fee Voucher onPortal along with Bank Details. Submit the Online Application and Print the Downloaded Application after submission. If Candidates needs to apply for multiple posts, need to apply separately with separate BankPaiddeposit slips. Attach all academic and experience certificates along with Online Filled, Submitted ,Downloaded Application form and send it to Central Testing ServicesOffice414, F2, Jeff Heights, Main Boulevard, Gulberg III Lahore Pakistan before 24 June,2024.

Incomplete or improperly filled registration details will not be processed. Please stay interactive with our website for eligible candidates list, test venue and all relatedinformation: www.ctspak.com / www.ctsp.org.pk . For any type of queries please send email to Query@ctspak.com For Helpline Call Watsapp Number : 03000-532200 or Call 042-35755548 (Morning 09:00 AM to Evening 5: 00 PM).

Download Paper Distribution

Download CTSP Deposit Slip

Terms & Conditions

Candidates are directed to apply online on Central Testing Service(CTS)website www.ctspak.com or link available at PESDwebsitewww.rescue.gov.pk latest by 24-06-2024. Candidates are directed to send their forms by Postal mail toCentralTesting Service. CTS will not accept the forms by Hand. If any candidate has any complaint at anystageofrecruitment, he/ she may contact CTSRecruitmentComplaints Redressal Cell by emailingtoCTSatquery@ctspak.com or by calling or messaginghelplinenumbers given below.042-35755548, 0300-0532200(WhatsApp) Only completely filled online applications fulfilling the completecriteriashall be accepted.

All the documents are accepted provisionallyandofferof appointment is subject to verification of documents, Police Verification,Successful completion of training and clearance by the medical boardconstituted by Government of the Punjab. Written and psychological/ aptitude tests of applicants shall beheldatdesignated places as mentioned on Roll no slips which can be downloadedfrom CTS website after one week of last date of submission of applicationforms. Original CNIC and Roll Number Slip is Mandatory for test entry.Candidates are not allowed to bring cell phones to the examinationcenters. Change of test center, category is not allowed. Any amendment will be communicated through CTS & PESDwebsites.

ONLY candidates qualifying both written and psychological/aptitude tests shall be eligible for Physical and Skill Tests. Thelist of qualifying candidates for Physical & Skill Testsshall bedisplayed on CTS & PESD websites along with the Physical andSkill tests dates and centers. The skill tests shall beconductedat designated places by the CTS. The final list of candidates qualifying for Interviews alongwiththeinterview schedule shall be displayed on CTS & Rescue websites. Theinterview shall be conducted at the Emergency Services Headquarters&Academy located in Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore.

At the time of Interviewcandidates shall present original documents along with threesetsofattested copies of all the relevant documents and six passport sizepictures and also submit a medical report issued by the GovernmentTeaching Hospital or DHQ Hospital regarding their physical examination(height, weight, chest, eyesight and physical deformities) andlaboratorytests for Hepatitis B&C, HIV and RPR at the time of physical test. Candidates have to justify their eligibility as per advertised criteria. Thecandidature/ selection/ appointment shall be cancelled at anystageofrecruitment or training and even after appointment, incaseanyinformation is found to be missing, false or forged. No relaxation in age or qualification (Army/Civil) shall begiven.However, the employee of Punjab Emergency Service Departmentshall be given 5 years age relaxation in upper age limit onlyforadministrative posts.

Any person with weak eye sight, obesity with BMI 30 or aboveandHepatitis B & C, HIV and RPR positive shall be shortlistedatanystage. Preference will be given to the candidates with height morethan5.6” whereas minimum chest size will be 33”. Candidates are directedtoapplyonly for one suitable post; however appropriate candidatemaybeadjusted against other suitable post on recommendationof theRecruitment Committee. Service may increase or decreasepostsdepending on availability.

Local residents as per CNIC will be given preference. 5% quota shall be reserved for minorities and 15% quota shall bereservedfor females. Shemales can also apply. In case of the large number of applicants, only applicationswithpreferred/enhanced criteria shall be considered. Attach all academic and experience certificates along with Online Filled, Submitted ,DownloadedApplication form and send it to Central Testing Services Office 414, F2, Jeff Heights, MainBoulevard, Gulberg III Lahore Pakistan before 24 June,2024.

Incomplete or improperly filled registration details will not be processed. Please stay interactive with our website for eligible candidates list, test venue and all relatedinformation: www.ctspak.com / www.ctsp.org.pk . For any type of queries please send email to Query@ctspak.com For Helpline Call Watsapp Number : 03000-532200 or Call 042-35755548 (Morning 09:00 AM to Evening 5: 00 PM) Office 414,F2, Jeff Heights, Main Boulevard Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.

About Fahad Munir