Lahore: Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced to build five lakh houses in five years. For the first time in Pakistan, the housing loan will be issued on a copy of the ownership paper of the plot and a copy of the identity card. A borrower of 15 lakh rupees has to pay 14 thousand rupees monthly installment in 9 years.
On the instructions of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the loan scheme was converted into a revolving fund and no additional charges will be taken from the public. The Government wants to create convenience for the people, they will build five lakh houses in five years, and they want to give 30 thousand tractors to the farmers of Punjab.
CM Punjab Apni Chhat Apna Ghar Scheme
The CM Punjab Apna Chhat Apna Ghar scheme 2024 will be launched in the Province, providing one lakh houses. Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has given in-principle approval for the ‘Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar‘ housing project.
Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz said that those who have their roof have less Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz said that those who have their roof have less value, and those who don’t have their roof should know their value. It is difficult to describe in words. value, those who don’t have their roof should know their value. It is difficult to describe in words.
If you have 1 to 5 marla land in the urban area and 10 marla land in rural areas, the Punjab government will give you an interest-free loan of 15 lakh rupees in easy installments, the monthly installment of which will be 14,000, not to pay one rupee for the first three months. After that, monthly installments of 14,000 rupees will have to be paid, the Punjab government will pay the interest, and people will not have to pay any tax.
Chief Minister Punjab said that a number has been given for this, you can also apply on the PITB portal if you have a land dispute, you can also get information from the DC and commissioner’s office of your area. We have tried to keep the installment less than the rent, we are also going to build houses, and very soon these houses will be started.
A first of its kind in Punjab, the ‘Apni Chhat Apna Ghar’ initiative has been planned by the government to make the homes of low-income groups affordable in the province. This article will cover all the fundamental information concerning the scheme and then proceed to provide all the necessary guidelines, selection criteria, and documents necessary for the application, as well as the application form.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme, you must meet the following criteria: To be eligible for the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme, you must meet the following criteria:
Punjab Residency: It is mandatory that to capture the program, the candidate has to be a permanent resident of Punjab only.
Low-Income Household: The current household income you have to meet must also be within the prescribed income levels as decreed by the government.
No Prior Home Ownership: You or any of your issues should not possess a house or apartment.
Application Process
The procedures that need to be followed to avail of the facility of the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme are not very complicated. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Online Registration: Go to the official website of the Punjab government and find out the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme link. To register, please go to the “Register Online” link/ button at the top right-hand corner of the webpage.
Fill Out Application Form: Enter the correct details in the online application form. This ranges from personal data that the person provides, the income range that the person qualifies for, and the type and size of the house the person wants.
Upload Required Documents: To do this, scan and upload the following documents as elaborated in the next section.
Submit Application: When you have finished all the steps, you can also submit your application online.
Required Documents
To support your application, you will need to provide the following documents: To support your application, you will need to provide the following documents:
Proof of Identity: This form is the National Identity Card (NIC) or Form B.
Proof of Residency: Domiciles A domicile certificate or utility bills such as electricity or water bills can also be used for the purpose.
Income Certificate: The following documents: income tax returns, salary slips, or any other documentary evidence as may be deemed relevant.
Bank Statements: Bank statements and proofs of income, salary slips for the last three months.
Photographs: A recent passport-sized photograph of the applicant and passport-sized photographs of all the members included in the application
Maryam Nawaz Sharif directed to prepare a model house in 6 weeks and to keep the down payment and monthly installment to a minimum. Providing a roof for the poor is our manifesto, we will fulfill the promise
Apni Chhat Apna Ghar Scheme Application Form
Applicants Download application Forms from the official website. “Apni Chhat Apna Ghar” scheme.
Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced several key initiatives. Free emergency medicine will be available in government hospitals starting today. A health screening program will be launched for timely disease treatment, along with a redesign of the health care system. Ultrasound machines and qualified doctors will be deployed in Basic Health Units (BHU) and Rural Health Centers (RHC).
To improve healthcare infrastructure, air ambulance, and Motorway Rescue 1122 services will be initiated for timely patient transfers. Nurses will be trained and sent to hospitals in Gulf and Europe. Playgrounds will be established in every union council, with school grounds open for players in the evening.
State-of-the-art hospitals will be constructed in each district to treat cancer, kidney, and liver diseases. During Ramadan, 6.5 to 7 million relief packets will be delivered to homes under the “Nighaban” program. Talented students will receive education in top foreign universities.
A series of youth-focused programs will be launched, including the Youth Loan Programme, Interest-Free Loan, Youth Training, Small Business Loan, Laptop and iPad Scheme, and Paid Internship. Electric bikes will be provided to youth, especially women. An IT startup program will be introduced for freelancers.
Scheme Benefits
The Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme offers several benefits to eligible applicants: The Apni Chhat Apna Ghar scheme offers several benefits to eligible applicants:
Subsidized Housing Units: Subsidized housing units are availed at low costs to the population by the government.
Easy Installments: Undoubtedly, the scheme allows the buyer to make easy installments for the gadget.
Interest Subsidies: The government may offer loans interest credit for loans that have been taken to finance housing.
Priority Access: One possible benefit is that incumbents of the matching qualification may have a privileged right to occupancy of the government-regulated housing units of their choice.
The ‘Apni Chhat Apna Ghar’ scheme is an important project of the government of Punjab which will help low-income consumers in achieving their own house. Here are some tips that can help you to fit into the scheme, therefore, winning the chance to own a home: