Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU), one of Pakistan’s premier educational institutions, is renowned for its academic excellence and rigorous curriculum. Thousands of aspiring students eagerly await the release of the Quaid e Azam University Merit List 2025 to learn their fate and secure their admission to their desired programs. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide you with all the essential information you need to understand the merit list, admission process, and key aspects of studying at QAU.
Quaid-e-Azam University’s Third Merit List for Undergraduate Programme (Fall 2025) is announced. All the lists of selected candidates are displayed as per scheduled dates on the notice board of the Admission Section (Administration Block) and on the QAU website: www.qau.edu.pk.
The selected candidates can download/print the Fee/Dues Voucher by logging in to the Online Admission Portal (in the Application Status Menu): https://ugadmissions.qau.edu.pk/oas/app/signin.aspx.
Quaid-e-Azam University Merit List 2025
The Quaid e Azam University Merit List 2025 is a crucial document that determines the admission of eligible candidates to various undergraduate and postgraduate programs. It’s based on a combination of factors, including:
- Entrance Exam Scores: The performance in the QAU entrance exam plays a significant role in determining the merit position.
- Academic Record: The candidate’s previous academic performance, such as grades in high school or college, is also considered.
- Reserved Seats: QAU may have reserved seats for specific categories, such as female candidates, minorities, or students from underprivileged backgrounds.
Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU) Islamabad Merit List 2025
Data of Candidates for the program of Fall 2025. Check your data and also your priorities of subjects just by clicking on the below website link If any errors are found in your data then make a visit or contact the admission office.
How to Check the Merit List
Once the merit list is released, you can access it online by visiting the QAU website. The university will likely provide a dedicated link or section where students can enter their roll numbers or other required details to view their merit position.
Admission Process
The admission process at QAU generally involves the following steps:
- Application: Students must submit their applications online or in person, providing all the necessary documents, including academic transcripts, certificates, and entrance exam scores.
- Entrance Exam: Eligible candidates are required to appear for the QAU entrance exam, which assesses their knowledge and aptitude.
- Merit List: The merit list is prepared based on the entrance exam scores and academic records.
- Admission Offer: Candidates who secure a position within the merit list will receive admission offers.
- Enrollment: Successful candidates must complete the enrollment process within the specified deadline, paying the required fees and submitting necessary documents.
www.qau.edu.pk merit list 2025
Instructions For Submission of Fee/Dues The candidates who selected and deposited the fee/dues regularly in the 3rd Merit List will not be selected in the subsequent list, however, the Regular choices/options will remain intact for the candidates selected and deposited the fee/dues on Self-Finance Basis.
For those who have deposited the fee/dues against regular seats/subject options, the other choices will be blocked/exhausted. The selected candidates are advised to deposit the fee/dues in any Branch of HBL or Askari Bank and may upload scanned Paid Fee/Dues Voucher on the application portal from where downloaded the same upto 19-08-2024 (Monday) positively, in case of non-depositing the fee/dues within stipulated period: the candidate next on Merit will be selected on your seat in the subsequent list.
The confirmation of admission is subject to the production & verification of original requisite documents by the respective departments 02-days before the commencement of classes. Important Instructions After selection the student will deposit the fee/dues online in the University Account within the stipulated period/time. After selection and online depositing fee/dues in the University Account, the student will be required to pass the HSSC Examination (as a whole) with at least 50% marks for BS and BA.LLB Programme.
In case of less than 50% marks in HSSC, his/her admission will be treated as canceled. (For Undergraduate) After selection and online depositing fee/dues in the University Account, if the student is declared as FAILED in the HSSC Examination by the concerned Board, the Fee/Dues as deposited by him/her will not be refunded under any circumstances except refundable securities. (For Undergraduate) After selection and online depositing fee/dues in the University Account, the student will be required to submit his/her HSSC passed result card within the stipulated period in the concerned Department/ Institute/ School/Centre.
If the selected student fails to submit the required certificate his/her admission will be treated as cancelled. Ineligibility The following shall not be eligible for admission to BS/LLB programs of study: – Those who have failed under the examination rules of this University. Those who have ceased to be a student of this University under the rules of the examination. Those who already possess BS/LLB or its equivalent degree from this or any other University. Those who are already on the rolls of this University.
Those who have been expelled from the University on disciplinary grounds. No student of BS or equivalent degree holder shall be admitted to a second or subsequent BS/LLB Programme (either on a Regular OR Self-Finance basis) in the University Teaching Departments/ Centers/Institutes/Schools under any circumstances. The admission shall be canceled on the written request of the student concerned as per approved rules duly recommended by the respective Chairman/Director and the Dean of the Faculty concerned.
In case of incorrect/misleading information or concealment of facts, the University reserves the right to refuse/cancel the admission and expel the applicant (student) from the University at any time. The Vice-Chancellor may cancel/refuse admission to any student without assigning reasons. The students whose names were dropped or struck off from the rolls of QAU or any University Teaching Department/ Center/Institute due to shortage of lectures or non-payment of dues poor performance or non-appearance in examinations etc., in the semester, shall not be granted admission.
The Syndicate may consider such cases on the recommendations of the University Admission Committee. The students dropped or struck off from the rolls of any University Teaching Department/Center/Institute due to poor performance under the semester system shall not be granted re-admission in any case in the same Discipline.
1. BS Lateral Entry:
As the 1st and 2nd Second merit lists have been displayed already, if your name is in them, you can join on-campus classes from today (Monday, 4th October); however, you are required to pay your fee and submit your relevant credentials to respective departments for the confirmation of your admission.
2. BS Morning and Evening Program(s):
The first merit list can be expected by the end of this week or the next. You will be notified when the lists are displayed via this page. You’d be able to find the lists (once displayed) on the University’s website (qau.edu.pk).
2 (a). Merit Results/Separate Results:
Please take note of the fact that separate results for BS entry tests will NOT be shared with applicants individually. Only final merit lists will be displayed.
2 (b). For applicants for the programs of LLB and Pharm D:
If your pending results have been declared, you are supposed to submit them on the QAU portal. A meeting regarding this is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, after which all details will be shared on this page, on how to upload those documents.
2 (c). For ‘Result Awaiting’ Students:
If your pending results have been declared, you are supposed to submit them on the QAU portal. A meeting regarding this is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, after which all details will be shared on this page, on how to upload those documents.
3. BS Entry Tests
Tests were scheduled to be held online on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of September, 2022. An additional test was conducted by the University on the 29th of September for the applicants who were unable to take the test on one of the three aforementioned dates, for whatever reason. However, no further tests are to be held. If you were unable to make it to the tests this time around, we are extremely sorry. Better luck next time!
3 (a). Entry Tests/ Mistakes in Personal Information:
If you have mistakenly put the wrong details such as tracking IDs/login IDs, please don’t worry about it. Hopefully, it won’t be a problem.
4. Admissions (BS(Morning/Evening/Lateral Entry)/MPHIL/PHD):
Admissions in all programs are closed for now. For some programs, admissions will be announced in Spring 2025. Please stay tuned to this page for further information.
Please read this post before directly messaging us your questions, in case your question falls among the ones mentioned above.
Please excuse any inconvenience caused regarding late responses, as it can get difficult to respond to all questions timely.
Note: Dues will be deposited in the HBL/Askari QAU Branch after obtaining Bank Challan Forms from the respective departments. Quaid-i-Azam University has established the Internal Office of the QAU Alumni Association. This office is formed to strengthen the ties between QAU and its alumni. At the initial stage, the focus is on updating the database of QAU alumni.
Eventually, this office shall provide a focal point for discussions between the University and the Alumni, and more specifically it shall facilitate two-way liaison, which is essentially important for QAU and its alumni. The purpose of this office is to foster a spirit of loyalty and encourage alumni to promote the welfare of QAU. To register yourself with the QAU Alumni Association. The Vice-Chancellor may cancel/refuse admission to any student without assigning any reasons.
Securing admission to Quaid-e-Azam University is a testament to hard work and dedication. By understanding the merit list process, admission criteria, and the university’s reputation, you can make an informed decision and increase your chances of securing a coveted spot at QAU.

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.