Google Translate Languages Features List

The latest move is the biggest ever to spread the languages. Until now, Google Translate had 133 languages ​​and this number will increase to 243 after the addition. the new languages ​​being added are spoken by more than 614 million people worldwide, which represents about 8 percent of the world’s population. While the number of speakers of some languages ​​is more than 10 crores.

Google Translate had 133 languages ​​and this number will increase to 243 after the addition.

Google Translate Languages Features

About 25 percent of the new languages ​​are from Africa. New African languages ​​to be added include Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati, Venda and Wolof. Cantonese has been the most requested language to be included, but its characters overlap with Mandarin.

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Fahad Munir

About Fahad Munir

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