Dates Price in Pakistan 1kg

Dates Price in Pakistan is increased from Rs.12000 to Rs.16000 rupees per maund. When it comes to the delightful world of fruits, dates stand out as a symbol of sweetness and nutrition. Price of dates in Pakistan, the significance of dates goes beyond their taste, as they play a crucial role in the economy, culture, and daily life. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the fascinating realm of dates in Pakistan.

Dates Price in Pakistan 1kg

Dates Price in Pakistan 1kg

The irani dates price in Pakistan has increased. 1 kg dates price in Pakistan are increased from 15th of Shaban to 15th of Ramadan, due to stocking, dates are short in the market and are being sold at high prices, traders have filled cold storage with dates, no action was taken against hoarders. If gone, the date will be 20 thousand rupees.

what is the price of dates

The prices of dates in Pakistan are subject to various factors, including climatic conditions, global market trends, and domestic demand. Unraveling the complexities behind the pricing mechanisms helps consumers understand why the cost of dates can vary.

Dates wholesale price in Pakistan

The world of dates in Pakistan is not just sweet; it’s a rich tapestry woven with history, culture, and economic significance. As consumers, appreciating the journey from cultivation to consumption adds a layer of depth to the simple act of enjoying a date

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Fahad Munir

About Fahad Munir

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