UET Peshawar ETEA Entry Test Result 2023 Check By Roll Number

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has announced to reduce the engineering test fee from 2500 to 500 rupees. The engineering test fee is being reduced from 2500 to 500, thus 20 thousand families will get a relief of 2 thousand rupees. The date of the entry test has also been increased from 15 to 21 August. Marking will not be done.



In the entry test, instead of 200, there will be 100 questions, the time allotted for the entry test is 120 minutes.

ETEA GAT (GENERAL) & GAT(SUBJECT) TEST for admission to Masters & Ph.D. Degree in Engineering and Non-Engineering Programs, Spring-2023.

UET Peshawar ETEA Entry Test Result 2023 Check By Roll Number

All candidates seeking admission in Public and Private Sector Engineering Universities / Colleges located within the geographical territory of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa shall have to appear in the centralized Entrance Test to be conducted by the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA). Online Applications are invited for the Entrance Test from candidates having domicile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or while FATA. AJK & Northern Areas (Gilgit Baltistan)

The online entry test form is available at www.enggentrancetest.pk. Candidates have to deposit an Entrance Test fee of Rs. 2500/- (non-refundable) in any branch of United Bank Ltd in UET account number 205505522 throughout Pakistan. On successful fee deposit, the candidate will receive a receipt having 10 digits transaction number. 4 digits bank branch code, and date of transaction. This information will be used as an authentication key to the online registration form On successful submission of the online registration form, candidate wifI gets an online Entrance Test Card having his/her Roll Number and test center printed on it.

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Online apply on ETEA Website07-01-2022 to 27-01-2022
ETEA test to be conducted at 9:00 AM02-02-2022 (Sunday)
ETEA Test result03-02-2022 (Monday)

UET Peshawar Entry Test Result Check by Roll Number

Peshawar: University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar has announced the result of the entry test for Bachelor Programs Admission 2022 in various programs. All candidates can search their result with Name or roll number on official web site www.enggentrancetest.pk.

Online Admission Form for UET Peshawar MASTERS AND PH.D. Degree Programs For Spring – 2022

Last date of Form Submission:27-January-2022

The student who wants to study more for Engineering classes, apply for admission but the entrance test must be pass with good marks and the final merit list announced. if you pass the test with excellent scores and get a position on the merit list then, you will get admission in your desired course and full fill your dreams. There are limited seats and the competition is very hard. The result of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa engineering entry test that you’ve got is completely free of charge. Find out the number of seat engineering and Result by name which will announce the University of Peshawar’s Entrance Examination Results. ETEA UET has been published the Peshawar Entry Test for Engineering Sessions 2022-2023.

HUB The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply:
Candidates who have passed Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) examination from a recognized Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) in Pakistan, or an equivalent examination overseas, and have obtained at least 60% un-adjusted marks, with a combination of subjects Physics. Mathematics & Chemistry/Computer Science. Candidates who have passed three-years post-matric Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) or B-Tech exam and have obtained at least 60% unadjusted marks are eligible for Entrance Test against their reserved seats in respective disciplines only. Result awaited candidates are provisionally allowed to appear in the Entrance Test.
NOTE: After the announcement of the Entrance Test Result, candidates are required to submit online admission form as per the admission schedule to be announced.

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Candidates who qualify for the required ETEA test shall submit an admission form in the relevant Degree Program offered by the University after the conduct of the ETEA Test. For further details www.enaaentrancetest.pk.


www.enggentrancetest.pk, Ph: 091-9216784

UET Peshawar Entrance Examination Results 2022

The UET PESHAWAR ETEA Entry Test announced.

Click Here

The results of the UET Peshawar Entry Test 2022 check by roll number. The merit arrangement for all Khyber Pakhtunkhwa college colleges in UET Peshawar. The engineering Entry Test is being developed by the authorities. If you want to be an engineer in the future, then you have to continue your engineering studies. ETA Teat is held in Peshawar for admission in Engineering University Peshawar, 4600 candidates participate in the entry test, 4310 Male candidates and 290 females given their test.

Apply Online for Entrance Test
Apply from home 24/7 or www.engflentrancetest.pk
Quick and easy steps to fill the application.
No risk of the application being lost,
Instant confirmation message

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.