Gulab Devi Educational Complex Admission 2024-26 Form, Entry Test Result and Merit lists

All Students must abide by the College Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines as may be promulgated by the College Administration from time to time. Breach of these Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines shall render them liable to disciplinary, administrative and legal action including but not limited to imposition of fine, suspension or expulsion (both provisional and permanent) from the College.

GDEC Admission 2024-26 Form

Gulab Davi Educational Complex open admission for intermediate college for girls. Now you can registered yourself for any program which is offered by the institution. Download admission Form from thr official website

  • Pharm D Admission Form
  • DPT Admission Form 2024-25
  • AHS (MLT ,CPT, RT ,OTT E,ICU) Admission Form
  • HND Microbiology Biotechnology Biochemistry Psychology Chemistry Zoology Admission Form
  • Nursing (BSN CNA Midwifery Post Basic CCU, ICU, OT) Admission Form
  • Paramedics (MLT RIT OTT Optometry ANAESTHESIA Dispenser) Admission Form
  • PG Induction Form

Gulab Devi Educational Complex Admission

Gulab devi educational complex eligibility criteria is given below.


Doctor of Pharmacy: 60% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical)

Doctor of Physiotherapy: 60% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical)

B.Sc. (Hons) Allied Health Science: 60% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) + MD Cat Medical Lab Technology (MLT) Cardiac Perfusion Technology (CPT) Operation Theater Technology (OTT) Respiratory Therapy (RT) Emergency & Intensive Care (E & ICT) Optometry

BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics: 50% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) BS Microbiology: 45% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) BS Biotechnology: 45% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) BS Biochemistry: 45% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical)

BS Psychology: 45% in F.Sc./ICS/F.A (Psychology)* BS Chemistry: 45% in F.Sc. BS Zoology: 45% in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical)

B.Sc Nursing: Matric with Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics as compulsory subjects) *F.Sc (Pre-Medical) with a minimum 50% makes (Physics, chemistry, & biology as compulsory subjects) from any Recognized Board. Age: 18-35 years Gender ratio: Both male and female candidates are eligible. Fitness: Mentally and Physically fit. Post Basic Specialization (CCU-OT): BSN/General Nursing

Paramedic Diplomas 45% in Matric (Biology) % 45% in Science Subjects Combined (Bio, Phy, Chem) Medical Lab Technician Radio & Imaging Technician Operation Theater Technician Ophthalmic Technician Dispenser.

GDEC Admission Notice

GDEC Admission Notice

GDEC Admission Entry Test Result

Entry Test and interview will be taken by the institution. We will update entry test result here.

GDEC Admission Merit list

Merit list will be displayed on the notice board/website and interview will be conducted after which final admission list will be displayed on the notice board and website www. All the seats are on open merit basis and admissions will be awarded according to the merit list. Students are directed to obtain dues Challan Form from accounts section and get it deposited in the Bank before the specified last date.

GDEC Fee Structure

Gulab devi educational complex fee structure

Fee Schedules For Session 2024-25(Per Year) Gulab Devi Educational Complex reserve the right to change the fee structure at any time.

GDEC Last Date to Apply

Gulab devi educational complex last date to apply is

GDEC Contact Number

Gulab devi educational complex contact number is 092-309-415-55-50.

Do you know gulab devi is govt or private and when Gulab devi educational complex admission open in Pakistan. Get more information about Gulab devi educational complex courses and gulab devi educational complex logo from our page.

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.