GCUF Associate Degree Programs Admission 2024 Apply Online, Entry Test Result

GCUF Associate Degree Programs Admission 2024 Apply Online

Applications on the prescribed forms are invited for admission to the following Associate Degree Programs for spring Semester 2023 at University Community College, GC University Faisalabad.

GC University Faisalabad has announced the results of the first annual 2022 of Associate Degree Arts and Associate Degree Science, Associate Degree Commerce.

Government College University Faisalabad Admission Notice:

Government College University Faisalabad Admission Notice is published on 6th January 2024.

GCUF Associate Degree Programs Admission 2024 Apply Online, Entry Test Result

GCUF Associate Degree Programs Admission 2024 Entry Test Result

Step 1. (For all the Applicants) Please keep your transcripts, CNIC with you before filling the Online Admission Form. Scan your picture, having the blue background, for uploading in the Online Admission Form. The size of the picture must be less than 25KB. Open Admission Form on University website https://admissions.gcuf.edu.pk/
Fill up the admission form carefully and proofread it before final submission.
Please note that after pressing the “Finalize” button, the application form cannot be edited or changed.
Incomplete forms or the forms submitted after the due date will not be entertained.
After completing the online form, take the print off of both the Fee Voucher and Admission Form.
Deposit fee in any branch of United Bank Limited, all over Pakistan. The bank will return three parts of the Fee Voucher and one computer-generated receipt.
This Computer generated receipt can be used for getting Prospectus from the Directorate of Advanced Studies or Undergraduate Studies of the University or any TCS office
Note: TCS will charge Rs. 200/- extra, as service charges.
At the time of the admission process, University does not require any kind of educational certificates and hard copies of the application form. Please visit the University website (www.gcuf.edu.pk) regularly after the closing date for admission status and updates.
A list of the top 200 applicants of each discipline will be displayed on University Website. Out of these 200 applicants, the top listed students (as per availability of seats), falling within the “Merit List”, will be highlighted.
The highlighted successful candidates will also receive an SMS from the UniversityAdmission Cell.
In case of any information, complaint, and queries, please contact:
Phone No. 041-9200600, 041-9239007
Email Address: admissions@gcuf.edu.pk
You may also visit the Admission Cell in Takbeer Block,
Government College University, Faisalabad during 09:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.
Step 2 (For Successful Applicants)

Selected Applicants will contact the Admission Incharge of the relevant department, along with original educational documents, CNIC, two sets of complete attested photocopies of the documents, and a print of the online admission form (which was filled in step 1). After completion of the verification process by the Departmental Admission Office, the selected successful candidates will receive a new Fee Voucher for the 1st Semester from the concerned department and he/she will deposit the fee into the nominated banks within the University’s Main Campus within due dates.
If a candidate does not submit the Semester Fee within the due date, it will be considered that he/she is not interested in admission and his / her name will be removed from the Merit List. After depositing the fee, newcomer students will go back to the relevant department and complete the enrollment process (through the Departmental focal person). Additional Instructions for applicants of MS/MPhil and PhD

Appear in written test in the relevant department on a given date(Test Fee is included in the Prospects Fee) i.e. Prospects Fee Rs. 1400 + Test Fee Rs.500= Rs.1900/-.A list of successful candidates on the admission test will be displayed on the University Website, later on. Successful candidates of the test have to appear for the interview (the date and venue of the interview will be announced after the test on the Website).
After the interview, a list of successful candidates will be displayed on University Website and candidates have to go through the process given in steps 2 and step 3.
Note: Any forgery in transcripts or tampering in marks will result in cancellation of application at any stage even after the admission and this will make the applicant ineligible for lifetime admission at Government College University, Faisalabad.

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About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.