Elementary & Secondary Education Department, Govt of Azad Jammu & Kashmir will uploaded ESED AJK Jobs Answer keys on the official website on Friday 5th July, 2024. You can also check on the NTS website www.nts.org.pk.
Elementary & Secondary Education Department Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir has started recruitment of ESED AJK EST Jobs and you can apply through the National Testing Service of Pakistan NTS official website www.nts.org.pk. The last date to apply is Friday, 10th May, 2024.
ESED AJK EST Jobs NTS Application Form
Sr | Post Name with Basic pay Seale | Required Academic & Professional Qualification |
1 | Elementary Teachor B-11 | i.BS Education (Honey B.Ed(Hons) (2nd Div) or Equivalent Oegree in Education (2nd any University recogrv/»d by HEC OR BA/B.Sc ‘BS (2nd Drv.) from any unrvorsity recognized by HEC with B Ed AOE/ Equivalent Degree m Education at least (2nd Olv) from any unrversHy recognized by HEC. |
2 | Elementary Teacher (Science) B-11 | i BS Education (Hons) Soence.’ B ED (Hons) Science (2nd Division) from any Unrvorerty recognized by HEC OR |
3 | Elementary Teacher (Qan) B-11 | i. B A (2nd Div.) from a recognized university or Shahadat-ul-Alin from a Deni Board rocognizod university by HEC with 02-year Sanad e-Oal from a Deni Board recognized by HEC. |
4 | Elementary Teacher (Arabic) B-11 | i. shohdut-ul- Alloma from a Don Board recognized by HEC or MA/BS Arabc from any University recognized by HEC with OT/ATTC from a Board & University rocognizod by HEC |
5 | E tomontary Toachor (PET > B-11 | i. B A/ BSc (2nd Dv.) from any UnivorsCy rocognizod by HEC with one yoar Diploma in physical Educabon from any Govt Board OR ii. Graduation In Physical Educabon |
6 | Elementary Teacher (Drawing) B-11 | i. B AJ BSc (2nd Dv ) with one year Drawing Optoma from a recognized Govt Board OR ii B A fine Arts (2nd Drv ) from any Unversxy recognized by HEC |
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ESED AJK EST Jobs NTS Roll Number Slip
Download Roll Number Slips from www.nts.org.pk.
Check your result at the www.nts.org.pk.
Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.