Applications are invited for initial recruitment to the following posts in the Communication Works, Physical Planning & Housing Department, Government of Balochistan: Don’t wait for the last date, apply online today and above must be submitted online through BPSC’s website
Age: Age will be calculated on the closing date for receipt of applications. II Local/Domicile Certificate:
The candidate should submit a local/domicile certificate of his/her district. A married female candidate, not already in Government Service and desires to apply based on the local/domicile of her husband, is required to submit the local/domicile certificate of her husband containing her name. In the case of in-service candidates, the local/domicile certificate endorsed in the service record of the department will be accepted.
The Government reserves the right not to fill any vacancy or to fill more or less than the number of vacancies announced by the Commission. IV Zonal Allocation: The zonal allocation of vacancies has been made by the Government of Baluchistan’s Recruitment Policy of 1991.
Unless otherwise prescribed in the recruitment rules, the requisite experience (with necessary valid documentary proof) means the post-qualification experience gained in a regular, full-time paid job and that of the on-job training subject to its relevancy acquired after obtaining the required qualification till the closing date. Experience as part-time, honorary, apprentice, and internee will not be considered/counted as experience.
Eligibility of the candidates in terms of Recruitment Rules and the advertised conditions shall be determined after the conduct of screening/professional test/examination. On detailed scrutiny of the applications, if they are found ineligible, their candidatures will be canceled irrespective of the fact whether they have appeared in the examination/test or evening therein. On rejection of the application of candidates based on their ineligibility, the Commission informs the applicants.
The candidates should, therefore, make sure before applying that they are all respected for the post, they have applied for.VIIViva Voce Test: The written/MCQs test. candidates will be called for the Viva Voce Test and the same would be as follows:
Current Affairs:
(Last one or two month’s important happenings/issues which are highlighted in Print/Electronic Media. General
(Related to Balochistan, Pakistan, and International) Islamic/Religious Studies: (Islamic questions regarding day-to-day issues as Muslim, Holy Prophet’s life (PBUH), and the period of Khulafa-e-Rashideen). However, a candidate belonging to another religion would be asked questions according to his/her religion.
Pakistan Studies:
(1857 to 1947 and 1947 to till date)
The candidates who qualify for the viva-voce test will be intimated by post, SMS, and telephonically to furnish/submit one (01) set of requisite documents duly verified by the concerned Board/University and attested by Gazetted Officer i.e. four (04) photographs, Matric, Intermediate DMCs/certificates, Bachelor, Master, M.Phil., Ph.D. Transcript/Degrees, CNIC, Experience Certificate (where required) showing nature of job/ detailed job description issued by an authorized officer of the Department concerned, Local/Domicile Certificate (duly verified by the competent authority), Departmental Permission Certificate (in case of government serving), etc. within Ten (10) days of the Notice from BPSC.
The candidates who fail to furnish the requisite documents within the stipulated time or furnish incorrect/incomplete information their candidature shall be rejected straight away. Therefore, they are advised to keep their documents ready for submission to BPSC by the due date.
BPSC Jobs 2024 Online Apply
HOME DEPARTMENT (Balochistan Provincial Levies Force)
- Seventy (70) Posts of Assistant Investigation Officer (B-16)
Zonal Allocation
Merit | Kalat Zone | Zhob Zone | Nasirabad Zone | Mekran Zone | Quetta Zone | Sibi Zone | Quetta City |
12 | 12 | 08 | 08 | 08 | 08 | 04 | 04 |
Women’s Quota = 03 | Minority’s Quota= 03 |
(a) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.
(b) Physical Standards & Conditions For Male:
(l)Height without Shoes 5 feet & 4 inch
(ii)Chest Measurement32 inches with an expansion of 1.5 inches.
Those Candidates who do not fulfill the condition of Height/Chest are not Eligible.
- (c) Physical Standards & Conditions for Females:
(l)Height without Shoes 5 feet & 2 inch
Those Candidates who do not fulfill the condition of Height are not Eligible.
- (d) Successful completion of Initial In-Service Training as may be prescribed.
Gender: Both (Male/Female) candidates are eligible.
Age Limit: 18 to 30 years on the closing date of applications. Upper age relaxation is not applicable as per Balochistan Government Initial Appointment to Civil Service Posts (Age and Relaxation of Upper Age Limit), Rules, 2012.
ADVERTISEMENT CLOSING DATE 09th January 2025 (Thursday)
(a)AII applications for Initial Recruitment in BPS-16 and above must be submitted online through BPSC’s website No hard copy of the online application is required from the applicants. However, those applicants who do not have access to the internet facility, are allowed to submit their applications on the prescribed form and must reach the Balochistan Public Service Commission, Quetta by hand or by mail on or before the closing date i.e. 09th January 2025. Application form available at BPSC website giving detailed particulars in the light of prescribed conditions for the post applied for.
(b)it will be mandatory for the candidates to bring original CNIC, Treasury Receipt (Green Challan), and downloaded copy of the Admission Certificate/Roll no slip at the time of Screening/ Written Test. (The candidates should realize that original CNIC and original Treasury Receipt (Green Challan) would be admissible as a valid document. It is reiterated that the candidates must preserve the original T.R. and not send the same to the BPSC office in advance, to avoid any inconvenience at the time of entry into the Examination Halls).
(c)Those candidates who have submitted their application by hand or sent by mail/post, their roll no slips will be dispatched to their postal address as well as they will be intimated through sms.d)Admission Certificates/Roll no slips for Screening (MCQ’s Test/Written test) for posts applied will be placed on the website of BPSC i.e. Candidates are advised to frequently visit this website. They will be intimated through SMS as well. e). No extra time is allowed for postal transit etc
The Candidates are required to deposit the original treasury receipt of
POST(Basic Pay Scale) AMOUNT(Fee)
BPS-16 Posts Rs. 800/-
The amount should be deposited in the State Bank/National Bank of Pakistan only in the province of Balochistan or the Government Treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of the Government of Balochistan under the Head C02101 ORGAN OF STATE EXAM FEE RECEIPT BPSC incorporating the relevant RCO/District-wise Code in Challan.
The RCO/District-wise code is available on the official website of this Commission i.e. CAUTION Please refuse to engage with any person who may offer to help you get selected. Have faith in your ability and trust in ALLAH ALMIGHTY.
In case a dubious person contacts you for providing undue favor in written examination or interview, please immediately contact the following Hon’able Members of the Commission at once:
- Madam MudassirAsrar, Member (BPSC) Tel: 081-9203142
- Mr. Khalid Baloch, Member (BPSC) Tel: 081-9201572
- Mr. Sher Khan Bazai, Member (BPSC) Tel: 081-9201565
Your name will be kept secret and no prejudice will be caused to you.

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.