RMI FCPS & MCPS Training Jobs 2024 Application Form

Medical professionals have a fantastic opportunity to develop their careers through specialised training thanks to the RMI FCPS & MCPS Training Jobs 2023. The medical community holds these programmes in high respect, and they provide a thorough curriculum that gives doctors the tools they need to succeed in their careers.

RMI FCPS & MCPS Training Jobs 2024 Application Form

Applications are invited to be submitted on the prescribed form available on our website and can be collected from the HR Department. Applications duly supported with relevant documents, a copy ofCNIC&one passport size photograph must reach the undersigned latest by 06 July 2019. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview.


Chemical Pathology
Histo pathology
General Surgery
General Medicine
Cardiac Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynae
Obstetric & Gynae

To help doctors who want to specialise in a certain area, the RMI offers FCPS and MCPS training positions. Under the direction of knowledgeable mentors, these training programmes offer a structured learning environment where students can gain in-depth information and practical experience.

fcps mcps training june 2019

Medical professionals have a fantastic opportunity to learn specialised skills and knowledge in their chosen sector with the RMI FCPS & MCPS Training Jobs 2023. It’s the perfect option for doctors looking to progress their careers because of the extensive training programme, knowledgeable mentors, research possibilities, and encouraging environment. Fill out an application right away to begin your journey towards a rewarding career in medicine.

For queries please contact on email: jobs@rmi.edu.pk or visit us at https://www.rmi.edu.pk. Dean Undergraduate & Postgraduate Studies 5/B-2 Phase-5 Hayatabad Peshawar Pakistan
Telephone Number: +92-91 -5838000 (Ext.3014) Website:  www.rmi.edu.pk

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.