Punjab Educators NTS Answer key Result 2023

National Testing Service of Pakistan has announced the result of Answer keys for the posts of ESE BPS(09) today on their official Website of NTS www.nts.org.pk. All candidates can match their Answer with the given Answer sheet by NTS with Color code and prepared their own result at home.

Punjab Educators NTS Answer key Result 2023

All candidates can check online their ESE, SESE, SSE (BPS-9, BPS-14, BPS-16) NTS Answer keys Result here and if they got 50% marks, they will qualify for the interview which will be organized by Education Department soon.

Punjab Educators NTS Answer key results in 2023

Punjab Educators NTS Written Test Answer key

Punjab Educators SSE (BPS-16) Answer keys

Click Here

You can enhance your knowledge, improve my skills and pursue a dynamic career in the field of Social Sciences, Education and Commerce for the best interest of humanity and for that esteemed organization.

There is an acute shortage of human and physical resources in these countries. Moreover the available resources are being misallocated. Development planning, an important branch of economics, provides a solution to these problems. These countries have now learnt to, make five year development plans for the optimum allocation of resources. It discourage illegal source of income like smuggling, black-marketing, hoarding and profiting etc.

People in developing countries like Pakistan follow orthodox and obsolete customs and traditions which involve wastage of resources. For example, a lot unnecessary expenditure are made on marriage and death ceremonies in Pakistan. Such expenditures retard growth of saving and investment in the country. By the study of economics, we can learn rational approach in the use of resources. It will be a pioneer force to bring a change in social values

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.