Public Transport Fare in Pakistan

After the decrease in the prices of petroleum products, the district administration has announced a reduction in the intercity transport fares, the public transport fares in the city have been reduced by 5%, which will be applied to 23 routes.

Public Transport Fare in Pakistan

RTA Irfan Nawaz Memon has issued the fare in which the minimum fare has been fixed at Rs.30 and the maximum is Rs.85.

Public Transport Fare

The fares of other citizens from Lahore have been increased from 200 to 800 rupees. After this, the fare from Lahore to Karachi increased from 500 thousand to 5800 rupees. In addition, the fare from Lahore to Rawalpindi was increased from 1900 rupees to 2000 to 2200 rupees from Peshawar, the fare from Lahore to Quetta was increased from 3500 to 4200, and the fare from Murree was increased from 2000 to 2200 rupees.


In view of the distance between one city and another city, air-conditioned vehicles traveling from Karachi to various cities of rural Sindh have been increased by 100 to 250 rupees.

شہروں کے کرایوں میں اضافہ
1700کی بجائے 2500لاہور سے مظفرگڑھ کا کرایہ
1000سے 1300 روپےلاہور سے فیصل آباد کا کرایہ
1300سے 1800 روپےلاہور سے ملتان کا کرایہ

Public Transport Fare in Pakistan

Goods transporters also hiked fares as diesel became expensive. The cost of diesel increased by 20%. Goods are delivered from Karachi to Multan, Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Peshawar. Freight vehicle fares for all destinations had to be increased.

Public Transport Fare Increase

In light of the increase in the prices of petroleum products, the transport department has issued a new fare, which will be implemented immediately. Public transport fare in Pakistan January 2024 Lahore to Karachi, Public transport fare in Pakistan January 2024 Karachi to Islamabad.

ٹرانسپوٹروں نے کرایو ں میں 5 سے 10  فیصد تک کمی کر دی
کمیموجودہ کرایہسابقہ کرایہشہر
500  روپے4800  روپے5300  روپےکوئٹہ کا کرایہ
150  روپے750  روپے850  روپےفیصل آباد  کا کرایہ
150  روپے1250  روپے1350  روپےراولپنڈی  کا کرایہ
200  روپے2000  روپے2200  روپےمردان کا کرایہ
200  روپے2200  روپے2400  روپےپشاور کا کرایہ
500  روپے5000  روپے5500  روپےکراچی  کا کرایہ
300  روپے2500  روپے2800  روپےباجوڑ کا کرایہ

According to the fare list, the flying coach fare has been increased by Rs 3.27 per km while the AC bus fare has been increased by 3.47 km.

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Fahad Munir

About Fahad Munir

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