Your Path to Success: PMF Lahore Dispenser Past Papers

The PMF is a premier institution in Pakistan that imparts training for health professionals. PMF Lahore offers an extensive program that prepares future Dispensers, which play a critical role in the healthcare system. The boxers of the PMF Lahore Dispenser exam should get the past papers.

Recommended for study — past papers They:

Understanding the structure, question types, and marking scheme helps you strategize your approach.

Get to know important topics: Solving previous years’ papers helps you recognize important concepts and areas that are to be practiced.

Give practice questions: Practicing on previous papers helps you to build your time-management, problem-solving, and accurate skills.

Confidence: Solving past papers helps boost your confidence in yourself and reduces anxiety.

How to access PMF Lahore Dispenser Past Papers

Although you may not find the past papers officially, there are a couple of ways you can access helpful study materials:

PMF Lahore Library:

Past Papers/Book Notes at PMF Lahore Library:

Librarians can help

Syllabus & Paper Pattern Session 2022 to Onwards First year (FSC Scheme)

Paper 1. Basic Medical Sciences-I (Anatomy, Physiology)

Theory 50

Practical 25.

Paper. 2. Applied Sciences-I (Physics, Chemistry)

Theory 50

Practical 25.
Paper 3. (Relevant Field)

Dispensing Techniques-1

Theory 100

Practical 50

Radiographic Techniques-1

Theory 100

Practical 50

Surgical Techniques-1

Theory 100

Practical 50

Physiotherapy Techniques-1

Theory 100

Practical 50

Ophthalmic Techniques-1

Theory 100

Practical 50

Cardiac Techniques-1

Theory 100

Practical 50

Dental Hygienist Techniques-1

Theory 100

Practical 50

  • MCQ 20%
  • Short Question 50%
  • Long Question 30%

PMF Lahore Dispenser Past Papers

We will explore the importance of PMF Lahore Dispenser Past Papers and how they can enhance your exam preparation. Let’s delve into the details and discover how you can leverage these valuable resources to ace the exam.

PMF Lahore Dispenser Past Papers

Dispenser class students will take part in two papers A and B. There are seven questions in this paper and you have five questions solved in exams. The time for papers is three hours and passing Marks is 50%.

Practical Papers with NoteBook, Short Questions, and Viva will be taken by PMF.CDC SUPERVISOR Supplementary Examination Past Papers. pmf dispenser old papers session 2000 to 2023.

PMF Dispenser Old Paper

Practicing past papers offers several benefits that can significantly improve your performance in the PMF Lahore Dispenser Exam. Firstly, it enhances your familiarity with the exam pattern, allowing you to understand the types of questions asked, their structure, and the time constraints. This familiarity helps you feel more confident and reduces test anxiety, enabling you to perform at your best.

Moreover, solving past papers helps identify knowledge gaps and areas where you need improvement. By analyzing the questions you struggle with, you can focus your efforts on studying those specific topics. This targeted approach saves time and ensures efficient learning.

Dispenser Solved Past Papers

Punjab Medical Faculty Lahore Supplementary Examination June 2021 Laboratory Technicians (Paper A)

Time Allowed 03:00 Hours

Maximum Marks 100

Pass Marks 50

Q1. Discus preparation and fixation of smears of sputum, culture, and swabs

Q2. Describe the steps of the Ziehl-Ncclsen technique. Write about reporting sputum smears

Q3. Describe the sterilization of glass Petri dishes, tubes, and other glassware Write about the inoculating technique

Q4. Describe the catalase test and coagulase test

  1. Write a short note on;

(a) White cells in urine
(c) Gram staining technique

(b) Cry stab in urine
(d) Autoclaving

Q6. Describe morphology and features of streptococcus pyogenes on blood agar, McConkey culture media, and chocolate agar.

Q7. Describe the widal test and Igm antibody immunoassay for the diagnosis of typhoid fever.



Time Allowed 3 Hours        Total Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 50

Attempt any five questions Each Question carries 20 marks.

Q 1 What are the important functions of the kidney? Name types of Renal failure and complications of end-stage renal disease

Q 2 What are the methods of Renal Replacement therapy? Give an account on Peritoneal Dialysis

Q 3 Write down the parameters to be checked before starting hemodialysis, during hemodialysis, and on termination of hemodialysis How efficacy of hemodialysis is assessed?

Q 4. Name different types of dialysate solution in hemodialysis Give specifications of each and their utility for different patients

Q 5 Mention different types of vascular access. Write down the complications of each type separately

Q 6. What precautions would you adopt to prevent the transmission of viruses in the dialysis unit? Write in detail about dialysis machine care and disinfection

Q 7 Write short notes on the following.

1 Duties as a dialysis technician
2. Haemodialysis machine safety mechanisms.

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Paper Important Questions

Q 1 Write down different routes of administration of Drugs In detail.

Q 2: Write down different Parts of the Digestive System and also their functions Drew end label the diagram of the Digestive System

Q 3: How Typhoid Fever is spread What is its treatment? What are the different measures to prevent its speed?

Q 4 Write short notes on the following

. (a) Abstract Register (b) Expense Register (c) Sterilization by heat (d) Vaccination Schedule

Q 5 What is normal Blood Pressure How Is it taken Write down the situations in which Blood Pressure is decreased.

Q 6 a) Name important articles of the Emergency tray

(b) What do you understand by C P R (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) How it is done?

Q 7 Define Dehydration Name the Conditions which result in Dehydration. How a case of Dehydration is managed.

What Do you understand by the term HIMS? Write Detail note

Write down names) of different hurts. Draw columns of the Medicolegal certificate.

What is normal body temperature How you can record temperature from different sites of the body)

(b) What is the normal pulse rate of an adult? How you can record from different sites of the body?

What do you know about the EPI program? Give a schedule of vaccination in tabulated form.

Q No. 5 (a) Name different parts of the excretory ( urinary) system.

(b) Name articles of dressing trolley.

Q.l: Write a note on the following.
i) Anticonvulsants (05)
11) MKS system of Measurement (05)
Hi) Mode of Administration of Drugs (05)
tv) Clarks Formula (05)
Q.2: Duties & Responsibilities of Dispenser. (16)
Q.3: a) Name Registers used at R.H.C (08)
b) Write a note on the Abstract Register (08)
Q.4: a) Draw and label the Diagram of the Heart (08)
b) Write functions of Lungs (08)
Q.5: How you will manage a case of Acute Severe Asthma? (Status Astbmaticus)(16)
Q.6: Write notes on
a) O.R.S (08)
b) I.N.H (Itonia/id) (08)
Q.7: Write notes on
a) The ways Injections are given (08)
b) Hypovolemic Shock (08)
Q.8: Write the Toxic effects of
a) Chloramphenicol (04)
b) Tetracyclines (04)
c) Rifampicin (04)
d) Pyrazinamide (04)

Q 1 What do you know about? Pulmonary Tuberculosis. How it is Spread, what is its prevention Name Drugs used in its treatment?

Q-2 Name different Parts of the Gastrointestinal System. Write down their Functions.

Q.4 Write down the Procedure for the storage of different drugs in the Pharmacy

Q 5 Write down the management of a case of acute diarrhea. what is ORS How it Is prepared

6 Write Notes on (1) Hepatitis ( 2) H.M.I.S (Health Management Information System )

Q 7 Write down the duties of a Disponsor at R M. C.

Describe in brief the route of administration of drugs with examples.

Describe proper handwashing techniques in steps.

Write down the meaning of the following abbreviation.

(b) IM (c) inj (d)IVP (e)t.d.s

Describe in brief the role and duties of a dispenser in health services.

Write notes on.

(a) Pilocarpine (b) Chloroquine (c) Atropine (d) Tincture Iodine

As a dispenser how will you manage a case of Roadside blast till the arrival of the medical team?

  1. No. 7. Write short notes on.

(a) Breastfeeding (b) Rickets (c) ORS

Dispenser Examination (Paper B) Important Question

Time Allowed 03 00 Hours        Maximum Marks 100

Pass Marks                                 50

0 No 8 is a compulsory Attempt at any five questions from the remaining seven questions

0 No 1 What is meant by Antibiotic write types and toxic effects of Antibiotics what

precautions should be taken for its administration   16

Q No 2 Give usage dosage and important toxic effects of the following

1      Metronidazole ! nj          2 Streptomycin Inj 3    Isoniazid INH Tab

4      Degoxm Tab    5 Saibutamoi Tab  6    Heparin Inj

7 Insulin Inj        8 AspinnTab    (,2.2.2 2)

Q No 3 Write the names of drugs used in peptic ulcer also write their doses and toxic

effects                                 (6.5.5)

Q No 4 Write the drugs used for the treatment of

1 Round Worm         2 Hook Worm

3 Tapeworm           4 Amebiasis        (

Q No 5 Write a note # on the following drugs with their uses toxic effects and dosage
1    Thiazide Diuretic     2    Gentacin Inj

3      Gnsofulvm Tab 4 Amoxicillin Cap (4.4,4.4)

O No 6 a) Write the drugs used for Bronchial asthma with dosage and toxic effects 8

  1. b) Descr be the adverse (toxic) effects of the following

1      Chloramphenicol 2 Dexamethasorve

3      Cotrimaxuzoie 4 Methyl dope  (2,2,2.2)

Write the name of cephalosporin & their dosage and the toxic effects 8
Name the Aminoglycosides their dosage uses and their toxic effects  8

Q No 8 Define purgative m detail write a note on the following

1 Bulk negative   2 Stimulant laxative 3 Faeca softer laxative

4 Osmotic purgative 5 Bowl cleaning laxative    (5,3,

Q No 1 it is compulsory to attempt any five questions from the remaining seven questions

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Q No 1 Writ® a note on the following
I    Pharmacopoeia

  1. Alkaloids

ih      Anti Gout

  1. Anti Tussive

Q No 2 Write down the management of a patient suffering from Acute Geatro Enteritis

Q No 3 a) Clarify the drugs used m the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

  1. b) What advice you will give to a Diabetic Patient for hit foot care

Q No 4 a) Draw and label the diagram of the Digestive system

  1. b) Name the juices which are added to food in the stomach for digestion

0 No 5 a) Name all the registers maintained at RHC

  1. b) Draw and label venous columns of a medico-legal register

Q No 6 Write a detailed note oval Medical Dental Ordinance
b)   Drug Act

Q No 7 a) How I patient develop pulmonary Tuberculosis

  1. b) Write down a prescription for the treatment of a patient suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Q No 8 Write down the signs & symptoms of morphine poisoning Write down its treatment

Punjab medical faculty dispenser class past papers from 2006 to 2018.

Public Health
Medical Lab
Operator Theater
Radiography & Imaging

Punjab Medical Faculty Dispenser Old Papers

Attempt any Five questions All questions carry equal marks.

Q 1: Write a short note

  1. a) Acetyl Salicylic acid b)   Opium

‘ c) Caffeine    d) Alcohol

Alcohol 6 Caffeine (£, Opium Acetyl Salicylic acid 0

Q 2: Describe the antacid and their group Names the most commonly used antacid m tab and syrup form and their action.

Q 3: What do you understand by the term Purgative? How they are administered?

Q 4 What is the combination therapy of tuberculosis Why this regime is earned out of GNA at least two-st >

Q 5:’ Write down the emergency management of a case of a dog bite. Which vaccine Is administered for
rabies and Its route of administration.

Q 6: What do you understand by the word Diarrheal disease How can they be controlled?

Q 7: a) Define Antibiotics.


  1. b) Write short notes on
  2. I) Streptomycin I) Chloroquine

III) Insulin

Q No 8 is compulsory Attempt any five questions from the remaining seven questions

0 No 1 What is meant by Antibiotic write types and toxic effects of Antibiotics what precautions should be taken for administration 16

Q No 2 Give usage dosage and important toxic effects of the following

  1. Metronidazole Inj. 2. Streptomycin Inj 3 Isomazid INH Tab

4 DegoxmTao   5 Saibutamol Tab   6 Heparin Inj

7 Insulin Inj 8 Aspirin Tab (,2.2,2.2)

O No 3 Write the names of drugs used for peptic ulcer, also write their doses and toxic effects (6.5.5)

Q No 4 Write the drugs used for the treatment of

1 RoundWorm   2 HookWorm

3 TapeWorm    4 Amebiasis   (4,4.4 4)

Q No 5 Write a note on the following drugs with their uses toxic effects and dosage
1 Thiazide Diuretic 2 Gentecin injection

3 Gnsofulvm Tab    4 Amoxicillin Cap  (

Q No 6 a) Write the drugs used in Bronchial asthma with dosage and toxic effects 8
b) Descr be the adverse (toxic) effects of the following
1 Chloremphemcal   2 Dexamethasone

3 Cotrimaxazoie 4 Methyldopa (2,2,2.2)

Q No 7 a)

b) Write the name of cephalosporin & their dosage and the toxic effects 8

Name the Aminoglycosides their dosage, uses, and toxic effects 8

Q No 8 Define purgative in detail write a note on the following

  1. Bulk purgative 2 Stimulant laxative 3. Fecal softer laxative

4 Osmotic purgative 5 Bowl cleaning laxative    (5,3,3.3,3,3)







Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks

Q 1; Write down different routes of administration of Drugs in detail

Q 2: Write down different Parts of the Digestive System and also their functions Draw and label the
diagram of the Digestive System

Q 3: How Typhoid Fever is spread What is its treatment? What are different measures to prevent its speed?

Q 5: What is normal Stood Pressure How Is It taken? Write down the situations in which Blood
Pressure is decreased

Q 6: a) Name important articles of the Emergency tray.

  1. b) What do you understand by C.P.R. (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)? How it is done

Q 7. Define Dehydration Name the Conditions which result in Dehydration. How a case of Dehydration
is managed

Q 4: Write short notes on the following.

  1. a) Abstract Register  b)   Expense Register
  2. c) Sterilization by heat d) Vaccinator Schedule

Q No 1 is compulsory Attempt arty five questions from the remaining seven questions

0 No 1 Write a note on the following
I.   Pharmacopoeia

  1. Alkaloids

iii     Anti Gout

  1. Anti Tussive

Q. No 2 Write down the management of a patient suffering from Acute Gastro Enteritis

Q No 3 a) Classify the drugs used in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

  1. b) What advice you will give to a Diabetic Patient for his foot care

Q No 4 a) Draw and label the diagram of the Digestive system

  1. b) Name the juices which are added to food in the stomach for digestion
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Q. No 5 a) Name all the registers maintained at RHC

  1. b) Draw and label various columns of a medico-legal register

Q No 6 Write a detailed note on-

  1. a) Medical Dental Ordinance
  2. b) Drug Act

Q No 7 a) How does a patient develop pulmonary Tuberculosis

  1. b) Write down a prescription for the treatment of a patient suffering from

Pulmonary Tuberculosis                     08

Q No 8 Write down the signs & symptoms of morphine poisoning. Write down our treatment

Q1 What do you know about, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, How it is Spread,
and what is its prevention? Name Drugs used in its treatment.

-Q.2 Namo different Parts of the Gastrointestinal System. Write down their Functions.

  1. 3 Write down the Management of a Case of Dog Bite.

Q.4 Write down the Procedure for the storage of different drugs in the Pharmacy

  1. 5 Write down the management of a case of acute diarrhea. what is ORS? How it is prepared.
  2. 6 Write Notes on (1) Hepatitis ( 2) H.M.I.S (Health Management Information System )

Q 7 Write down the duties of a Dispenser at R H. C

PUNJAB MEDICAL FACULTY LAHORE Sanitary Inspector (Paper A) Supplementary Examinations October 2011

Time Allowed : 3 Hr*    Max Marks: 100 Pass Mark: 50

v I tempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Ql. An epidemic of diarrhea has been reported in yours. serving area. What are your duties in the epidemic?

Q2. What are the different types of wells? What are the criteria for a sanitary well?

Q3. Write notes on a) Vit-A,  It) Proteins

  1. b) Proteins a) Vit-A,

Q4. What are the common symptoms of Dengue Fever?

What are the different preventive measures against Dengue Fever?
Q5. What are major disasters? What are the effects of these disasters and what measures can be taken in case of disasters?

Q6. Write short notes on

  1. a) the Effects of poor housing b) Methods of solid waste disposal

Q7. a) What are the different methods of purification of water?

  1. b) Enumerate elements of a slow sand filter.

Punjab Medical Faculty Lahore Radiographer (Paper B)Supplementary Examination June 2010

Q. No. 1. Write the precautions and procedure of T-tube cholangiography. (20)
Q. No. 2. How will you perform X-rays of a patient with?
(a) Spinal Injury (b) Fractures of Limbs
(c) Uncooperative! unconscious Patient(20)
Q No. 3 Write various views for the following?
(a) PNS (b) Skull (c) Shoulder Dislocation(20)
Q. No. 4. Name various X-ray-based diagnostic machines and their basic advantages over each other.(20)
Q.Na J. Draw and label X-Ray tube and what is CJl (Computerized Radiography).(20)
Q. No 6. What is Tomography write short notes on:
(a) Fluoroscopy (b) D.S-A(20)
Q. No 7. How will you prepare the patient for the following procedure:
(a) Angiography (b) CT Abdomen

Punjab Medical Faculty Lahore Dental Technician (Paper B)Supplementary Examination October 2011

Time Allowed 03:00 Hours Maximum Marks 100 Pass Marks 50

Attempt any Five questions All questions carry equal marks

Q #1 Name Different types of articulators. What are the different parts of the Hanau articulator
and their uses?

Q #2 What is a copy denture? What are the laboratory steps in making a copy denture? Write
down its detail?

Q #3 What is the Hiceramic porcelain Jacket crown? Write down its manufacturing steps in the laboratory

Q UA Write down the names of different investment plasters. Give a detailed account of phosphate-bonded investment plaster.

Q # 5 Write down the names of mortals used in cast partial dentures. Explain the laboratory procedure of making cast partial dentures.

Q # 6: Write down the making of Adam’s clasp and circumferential clasp. Also, give their indications and contraindications.

O #7 (A) Write down the classification of waxes.

(B) Describe the stages of the setting of acrylic.

Punjab Medical Faculty Lahore Radiographer (Paper B)Annual Examination, June 2012

Time Allowed 03:00 Hours      Maximum Marks 100  Pass Marks 50

Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks

  1. No.1. Write the precautions and Procedure of Barium enema.
  2. No.2. How will you perform X-rays of a patient?

(a)        Hip injury

(b)        Cervical Spine Trauma

  1. No.3. Write various views for the following?

(a)        Ankle Joint

(b)        PNS

(C) Abdomen

  1. No.4. Write short notes.

(a)       Handling of severely injured patient

(b)       Storage of X-ray films

  1. No.5. Write principles of Radiation protection for the patient and radiographer
  2. No.6. Name all parts of the X-ray machine, and illustrate diagrammatically.
  3. No.7. Short Notes?

(a)        Image Intensifier

(b)        Darkroom procedure

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.