National Council for Homeopathy (NCH) Annual Date Sheet 2024

National Council For Homeopathy date sheet 2023

Government of Pakistan National Council For Homoeopathy date sheet for DHMS Annual Examination 2024 and All candidates check online here or visit the official website of NCH

The NCH Annual Date Sheet 2023 is typically released a few months before the commencement of the examinations. It is made available on the official website of the NCH, ensuring easy access for all the concerned individuals. The date sheet is designed in a user-friendly manner, providing clear and concise information to facilitate proper understanding and planning.

National Council for Homeopathy (NCH) Annual Date Sheet 2021

National Council for Homeopathy (NCH) Annual Date Sheet 2024

The national council for homeopathy Pakistan will announce DHMS Annual Exams Date Sheet 2024 for the Annual Examination. Students who want to become Homeopathic doctors get admission to DHMS Four Years Program in Pakistan. Every Year NCH conducts annual and Supply Exams and examination centers held all over Pakistan.

National Council for Homeopathy (NCH) Annual Date Sheet 2024

The NCH Annual Date Sheet holds great significance for the students, professionals, and institutions associated with homeopathy. It serves as a roadmap, guiding candidates and enabling them to plan their studies effectively. The date sheet provides essential information about the examination schedule, ensuring that students have ample time to prepare for each subject and make necessary arrangements.

National Council for Homeopathy (NCH) Annual Date Sheet 2023


The National Council for Homeopathy (NCH) plays a crucial role in regulating and promoting the practice of homeopathy in the country. As part of its annual activities, the NCH releases a comprehensive date sheet that outlines the schedule for the upcoming annual examinations. This article aims to provide an overview of the NCH Annual Date Sheet 2024, emphasizing its importance, key features, and relevant information for the aspiring homeopathic practitioners.


Anatomy (First year)

Note: Attempt any six questions. Q No. 8 is compulsory.

Q1. Name the various parts of the Brain. Describe Cerebrum in detail. (16)

Q2. Name the different Endocrine glands. Describe Adrenal Glands. Describe Adrenal Glands in detail.        (16)

Q3.      Describe Bones of Skull in detail.     (16)

Q4.      Describe the structure of human cells with the help of a diagram.         (16)

Q5. With the help of a diagram, draw & describe any one of the following bones. (16)
(a) Femur        (b) scapula

Q6. Write short notes on any two of the following.  (16)

(a) Eye (b) Right lung  (c) Name of cranial nerves

Q7. What is Mycology? Classify muscles. Describe fully the anatomy of the

Following muscles.     (16)

(a) Biceps (b) Deltoid

Q8. Fill in the blanks:-            &0)

  1. The outermost covering of the Brain is called
  2. A neuron is a basic unit. system.
  3. CSF stands for

4 There are Valves in the human heart.

  1. The inner layer of skin is called
  2. Osteology is the study of
  3. D.N.A stand for

8 There is blood on the left side of the heart

  1. The study of tissue is called
  2. The outer layer of the skin is called

National Council for Homeopathy Islamabad will issue Diploma Homeopathic Medical Science (DHMS) Annual Exams Date Sheet 2021 soon. National Council of Homeopathy has announced the DHMS admission year 2021 and numerous students have enrolled themselves for this degree program.

Pharmacy(First year)

Note: Attempt any six questions. Q No.8 is compulsory.

See also  BISE Quetta 10th Class Date Sheet 2024 Check Online by Roll Number

Q1. Name different vehicles. Describe the properties of alcohol.

Q2. Write down the procedure for the medication of Globules. How would you measure the different sizes of Globules?

Q3 (a) What are the basic requirements of an ideal Homoeopathic Laboratory.

(b) Explain the working of Water Bath Apparatus diagrammatically.

  1. Write short notes on any two of the following.

(a) Potentisation (b) posology (c) pharmacopeia (d) maceration
Q5. Define Pharmacy. What do understand by ointments and how would you prepare it.

  1. What is Prescription writing? Describe in detail. )

07 Write down the procedure of preparing the mother tincture under formula No. i&5.

(l6)                                 (20)

Q8. Fill in the blanks:-

1.Boiling point of alcohol is

  1. S.L. is an abbreviation of –

3 Chemical formula of sugar of the milk is

4* Vaseline is….. vehicle.

  1. Drag collector does prepare the medicine.

6.Decimal scale was introduced by

  1. Nosodes should be administered in. …potencies.
  2. Bryonia and Arnica relate kingdom.

9.50 millesimal scale was introduced by

10…………… The pharmacy has branches.

The government of the Pakistan National Council For Homeopathy NCH Has announced the Date sheet of DHMS Annual Examination 2024. NCH DHMS Date Sheet Annual Exams 2024 is given below. Date sheet for D.H.M.S Annual Examination 2024.

Philosophy (First year)

Note: Attempt any six questions. Q No.8 is compulsory.

Ql- (a) Homeopathy cures the patient &not the Disease. Elucidate.

(b)    Describe the effects of large & small doses of drugs.

Q2 Define Homeopathy. Describe its basic principles.

Q3. (a) Define & classify the disease. Discuss the Acute Diseases in detail.

See also  PPC Examinations Annual Schedule 2025

(c)    Describe Dr. Herrings’ law of cure.

Q4. Define vital force, How does it work during the Health, Disease & Revival of the health of the patient?

Q5. Write short notes on any two of the followings :

(a) Cure (b) Psora (c) palliation
Q6. Define Drug proving. Describe the step-wise process of Homoeopathic Drug proving.

Q7. Differentiate between 2 of the following.

(a)        Human and animal proving

(b)        Acute & chronic diseases

(c)     Subjective & Objective symptoms
Q8. Fill in the blanks:-

  1. Homeopathic Medicines are proved on

2……….. .is the mother of all diseases.

  1. Homeopathy treats the
  2. Dr. Hahnemann’s birthday is
  3. Fig warts are manifestations of
  4. Homeopathy is a treatment.
  5. Vital force is force.
  6. Dr. Hahnemann died at the age of years.
  7. Symptoms are considered as a
  8. Psychosis is a word.

NCH DHMS date sheet Annual Examination 2024. Diploma of Homeopathic Medical System DHMS is a four-year medical diploma in Pakistan.

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.