Minhaj University Lahore University Scholarships 2024 Online Apply

Minhaj University Lahore University Scholarships 2024 Online Apply

Minhaj University Lahore has earmarked a substantial amount for promoting the culture of merit and award scholarships to the students who demonstrate outstanding Academic Performance.dr tahir ul qadri merit scholarships 105

Eligibility Criteria:

These scholarships will be available to students getting admission in Undergraduate programs ONLY… Requirement of Total marks in Intermediate or Last degree

60% – Arts and Social Sciences

70% – Science subjects

70% – Engineering Diploma Holders

b. Such eligible students will sit in a competitive examination to be conducted by NTS(National Testing Service). A minimum of 70% marks in this competitive test will be mandatory to qualify for Dr. Tahir ul Qadri scholarships.

c. In determining the total marks for the purpose of Scholarship, Marks obtained in the latest degree/ certificate and marks obtained in the NTS test will carry equal weightage.

d. For ease of use and reference this blend of Degree and NTS marks will be termed as ‘Composite Percentage’.

e. Minhaj University Lahore has complete discretion in terms of deciding of award of Scholarships to applying Students based on their COMPOSITE percentage

f. University Decision will be Full & Final in all cases applied…

The scholarship will be initially for a period of one semester in which a minimum of 3.50 GPA will have to be shown by the student. The scholarship will continue to be awarded for the next semester(s) as long as the student maintains a minimum of 3.5 CGPA.


1. Scholarship applications have to be made in person at the Admissions Office in Minhaj University Lahore, however, you can reach us for information at any of our Social Media platforms or through our official contact no.’s & emails

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2. Admissions Office will issue the Chalan Form for Rs.2,000/- which the students will have to deposit in the Accounts Officer of the University. This includes the cost of the prospectus, the processing fee, and the charges to be paid to the NTS. On production of the paid Chalan Form, Admissions Office will issue a copy of the prospectus to the student with required eligibility for further Submission & Processing…

3. the Last date for registration of Complete scholarship applications will be 15th July 2024.

4. Registration for the NTS test will be open from 16th June 2024 to 15th July 2024 and may be extended at the discretion of the University. The date of the test will be given on the website. Students will appear in the said test on the given date. Those who fail to appear or who fail to obtain a minimum of 70% marks in this test will be dropped from the competition.

5. Names of Scholarship achievers will be announced on the website in 1st week of September 2024.

For further information, Kindly visit the Admissions office. You can also reach us through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page for further details.

Minhaj University Lahore University For Scholarships Online Apply

Minhaj University Lahore Contact:

042-35145621-24 Mul Exchange / Ext: 320. 321 Main C3mpus.Near Hamdard Chowk. Township. Lahore. Admission Office: 042-35233123 I Weekend: 0335-8228883

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.