Bollywood star Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol tied the knot with Disha Acharya. Karan Deol, grandson of legendary actor Dharmendra and son of actor Sunny Deol tied the knot. Karan got married in Mumbai which was attended by showbiz stars including close relatives.
Bollywood actor Karan and Disha’s wedding Pictures
Karan and Disha’s wedding was attended by many senior Bollywood actors including Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Shatrughan Sinha, Prem Chopra, Raj Babbar, Anupam Kher, Jackie Shroff and made the wedding ceremony a grand affair.
Karan Deol got engaged on the wedding anniversary of his grandparents Dharmendra and Prakash Kaur in the presence of close relatives. Karan Deol’s wife is from Dubai. Karan Deol made his film debut in 2019 with the film Pul Pul Dil Ke Paas, which was directed by his father Sunny Deol. After the box office failure of his first film, Karan Deol also acted in the film Vele in 2021.
Karan Deol, who is the son of Bollywood star Sunny Deol and the grandson of legendary actor Dharmendra, will tie the knot with his girlfriend of over six years, Drisha Acharya, on June 18, 2023. Drisha is the great-granddaughter of renowned filmmaker Bimal Roy. The couple got engaged in February on the wedding anniversary of Dharmendra and Prakash Kaur.
The pre-wedding celebrations began with the Mehendi ceremony on June 15, where Karan Deol looked handsome in a yellow-golden embroidered kurta set and Drisha Acharya wore a graceful pink and white floral outfit. Karan Deol also wrote Drisha’s name in his Mehendi design. Sunny Deol showed off his unique Mehendi design that had the symbols of different religions. He also rocked the dance floor as he danced to Nach Punjaban at the Sangeet ceremony.