Jamia tur Rasheed NTS Sample Paper
The Sample Paper is MCQ Based, consisting of Question statements and four/five (i.e. A-D/E) Answer choices. You have to select the correct answer choice.
One page printed Answer Sheet is provided to answer the questions. USE ONLY BALL PEN (BLACK/ BLUE) TO SHADE/FILL THE CIRCLES.
How to fill an Answer: The answer sheet contains five circles containing five options of answer for one question, containing alphabets from A to E inside, against each question number. The candidate has to completely shade/fill one circle that s/he thinks is correct. For example the candidate feels that the correct answer to the given question is ‘A’, then s/he may shade/fill the circle containing alphabet ‘A’ with a ball pen like this:
Personal Data on Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet contains the personal data of the candidate on the top of the sheet. It has candidates’. NAME, FATHER NAME, and ROLL NO. The candidate is required to critically check these fields and sign in the required space. If any field of personal information is found incorrect the candidate MUST inform the invigilator present around.
Write down your Question booklet No. given on the right top corner of the Question booklet in the column of “Question book No”.
Fill in the circle “color of your question book”. Fill in the right circle otherwise, you will confuse the marking process which can have negative effects.
Instructions about the Answer Sheet + Right Answer Keys are at the end of the Exercise.
Note: This sample paper does not include quantitatively the same number of questions as there would be in the actual paper. This is merely meant to provide conceptual guidance to the users or prospective candidates.
This section assesses the skills of the English Language. The main stress of this section is on grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.
- Earthquakes cause vibrations to pass _________ around the earth in wave form.
- through
- through the
- through an
- through and
Each question below consists of a related pair of words, followed by five lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
- original: counterfeit
- true: sham
- brain: computer
- object: image
Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
- Greedy
- sympathetic
- generous
- niggardly
Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.
- ambush
- corner
- precarious
- group
- delirium
Read the passage to answer questions 5-8
Since the 1980s, the biggest influence on business has been electronic technology.
Computers are being used for inventory control, sales analysis and forecasting, distribution control, and budget analysis. At-home electronic shopping is becoming commonplace. With this system, consumers view merchandise on a computer monitor and then use a modem, which links the computer to a telephone line, to signal the goods they want to order. Just as traveling salesman once brought wares to the home, electronic technology makes it possible for modern consumers to see and select from an array of goods in their homes.
- The word “forecasting” is closest in meaning to
- prediction
- efficiency
- accounting
- decision making
- The word “modem” refers to a type of
- electronic shopping
- electronic device
- telephone
- computer screen
- The word “wares” is closest in meaning to
- clothing
- items for sale
- messages
- household appliances
- The word “array” is closest in meaning to
- pair
- container
- category
- collection
- A complex number is an ordered pair of two _________.
- Natural numbers
- Rational numbers
- Real numbers
- Complex numbers
- If two rows in a square matrix are identical, the value of the determinant of that matrix is _________.
- Not possible
- Zero
- Positive
- Negative
- There is a saying; Birds of a feather flock together. This means:
- Birds fly in large flocks.
- Some birds cannot fly.
- People associate with others like themselves.
- Birds in a flock have the same color.
- People settle in cities to be near others
11. Radar cannot determine
- Size of object
- Speed of object
- Distance of object
- The direction of motion of an object

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.