FPSC CSS MCQ Based Preliminary Test (MPT) Result 2023

FPSC CSS MCQ Based Preliminary Test (MPT) Result 2023

Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan has declared the FPSC Result Of CSS MCQ Based Preliminary Test (MPT) 2023 on the official website. MCQs BASED PRELIMINARY TEST (MPT) FOR SPECIAL CSS COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION Apply online well before 14th March, 2023.

FPSC CSS MCQ Based Preliminary Test (MPT) 2022 Result

MPT CSS-2022 was held by FPSC on 20.02.2023. Accordingly, the Roll Numbers and Names of candidates who have qualified for the MPT 2022 are given in the following. The key on the basis of which result of
MPT has been compiled, is also being uploaded for the information and convenience of candidates. The key may be accessed on the following link www.online.fpsc.gov.pk/index_answer_keys.php

It is further advised that duly signed hard copies of online applications along with Treasury Receipt (TRs) and all other necessary documents as mentioned in Para 27 of online application forms, must be furnished to FPSC before 28th March 2023.


Late receipt of hard copies would not be accepted. For further directions, candidates are advised to view FPSC Web Notice and Public Notice to be published in newspapers on 8th March 2023.

About Fahad Munir