Exam Prep Master For Online Preparation For Matriculation exams

Students in Punjab will now be able to matriculate in three new groups. Three more groups have been added along with matric science and matric arts, health sciences, agriculture science, and fashion designing groups have been prepared for students. Also released. At the beginning of class 9, students will choose matric subjects.

Health sciences, and agriculture science subjects can be matriculated, information technology, and entrepreneurship can be matriculated in Punjab, fashion designing can also be matriculated, and marks for new courses will be between 100 to 150.

At the beginning of class 9, students will choose matric subjects, new courses have been added keeping the international system in front, Punjab used to have matric science and arts only, and from this year Punjab will be able to matric with more groups.

Exam Prep Master For Online Preparation For Matriculation Examinations

For the convenience of teachers and students in Pakistan, the “Knowledge Platform” has introduced Exam Prep Master for online preparation for matriculation exams, which is a completely free platform. This Platform is an innovative online learning platform that provides innovative learning opportunities to students in Pakistan.

Exam Prep Master For Online Preparation For Matriculation exams

9th & 10th-grade students who are studying in Islamabad or Punjab education boards and want to apply for matriculation exams for July 2025, can fully prepare through this platform. The Knowledge Platform has introduced a suitable solution for students and teachers so that students can prepare for the matriculation exam in a short time.

Exam Prep Master is an online platform that provides questions and answers, chat sheets, and old papers for practice. The main feature of this facility is that it is free and includes ninth and tenth-grade science subjects such as biology, chemistry, math,s and physics lessons and exam papers.

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Students can also make their own tests through this platform and find out how much they have prepared for the exam. There are 2 mock tests for students to prepare for the exam in which 20 questions are given for each subject. Additional tests will be added each week, the report of which will be available immediately, which will give the students an idea of ​​their strengths and weaknesses.

Students can use this platform at their home via mobile, laptop, or tablet at their convenience. Students can prepare for the exam by registering themselves on the online platform Learn Smart Pakistan.

Knowledge Plate is a state-of-the-art online education institution in Pakistan with more than 450,000 students and more than 1,000 schools.

About Fahad Munir

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.