Chicken Meat Price in Pakistan Today Per kg

The price of chicken meat in Pakistan Today Per Kg has increased continuously. The price of chicken meat has reached 626 rupees per kg. In a few days, the price of chicken meat has increased by 66 rupees. A few days ago, chicken meat The price of meat was 560 rupees per kg.

Pakistani Chicken Prices

Pakistani Chicken Prices are provided by Pakistan’s chicken industry, making it a vital part of the country’s agricultural sector. Due to the nation’s growing urbanisation and population, poultry prices in pakistan is in huge demand.

Chicken Price in Pakistan

Chicken Price in Pakistan depends on a number of variables including feed prices, energy prices, and labour costs, also has an impact on the Broiler chicken meat price in Pakistan.

Chicken Meat Price in Pakistan January 2023

At the retail level in the city, the price of broiler chicken meat increased by Rs 20 to Rs 374 per kg, the price of live broiler increased by Rs 14 to Rs 258 per kg, while the price of eggs remained stable at Rs 250 per dozen.

Wholesale Prices

The main reason for the increase in the wholesale pakistani chicken prices is the increase in the price of feed, the increase in the price of feed, electricity, petrol has had a very negative impact on the poultry industry.

Pakistani Chicken Rate Today

Pakistani Chicken rate today has suffered a crisis. Skinless chicken price in pakistan has become Rs 600 per kg, while eggs have become Rs 400 per dozen.

برائلر گوشت کی قیمت
20 روپےفی کلو برائلر گوشت کی قیمت میں اضافہ
626روپےبرائلر گوشت کی نئی قیمت
14روپےزندہ برائلر مرغی کی قیمت میں اضافہ
358روپے فی کلوزندہ برائلر مرغی کی قیمت
250روپے فی درجنفارمی انڈوں کی قیمت

An in-principle agreement has been reached to determine market-based prices of milk, beef and mutton across the country.

The Federal, Provincial Governments and Dairy and Farmers Association have agreed in principle to deregulate the prices of milk, beef and mutton for the development of the livestock sector, in consultation with meat processors and consumers’ associations and relevant stakeholders.

Pakistani Live Chicken Prices

There is a shortage of farms, farmers are not supplying chicken, farmers are also short of workers, when the supply is better, everything will be fine, poultry farmers are not investing because of inflation. Farmers are leaving the poultry business due to increase in Pakistani live chicken prices.

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Fahad Munir

About Fahad Munir