Cadet College Hasan Abdal 1st year Admission 2023
Cadet College Hasan Abdal open admission for Pre-Engineering / Pre-Medical in 1st year Session 2023.
Only those candidates who obtain 80% marks (Grade A-I) or more in the Board Matriculation Examination (or equivalent) are eligible to appear in the written examination. If Board Results are not declared by that time then Result Card of Class 9 and a Hope Certificate (original) from the Head of Institution last attended, for obtaining more than 80% marks in Matriculation final, may be attached.
cadet college hasan abdal admission 2023:
The point of entry in this College is Class VIII only, however, a few vacancies (almost 20-30) occur in Class XI. These vacancies are filled on the basis of the result of written examination, interview and medical test.
Cadet College, Hasan Abdal is a residential secondary school located in Hasan Abdal, Attock District, Punjab, Pakistan. The college has over 500 students aged 13–18 years. Each class has c.110 students. The main aim of the academic program is to train students to become future officers in the Pakistani Military. The college has a distinctly Muslim curriculum for all students, including those from overseas.
Written Examination:
The Written Examination is held at Cadet College, Hasan Abdal. There is no other exam centre in any city for this entrance exam. It comprises following three papers (four subjects) based on Matriculation syllabus:
cadet college hasan abdal entry test syllabus is given below.
1. English
2. Mathematics or Biology
3. Chemistry & Physics (combined paper)
cadet college hasan abdal entry test papers
Interview & Medical Examination:
Those who qualify the Written Examination are interviewed after the announcement of results. Medical Examination is also conducted on the same day of interview.
cadet college hasan abdal admission form
Admission Forms:
College Prospectus contains the Application Forms and detailed information about this institution. It can be obtained from the College Admission Office by hand on cash payment of Rs.800/- or by post within the country for Rs.1058/- through Habib Bank Limited. Challan Form For Prospectus.
It can be obtained by post outside the country for Rs.1500/- through a bank draft drawn on Habib Bank Hasan Abdal, in favour of Principal, Cadet College, Hasan Abdal. Cheques will not be acceptable. For prospectus by post, the candidate must send his Name, Father Name, Telephone/Mobile Number, Postal Address and Class for which Admission is sought, with the Copy of Challan Form deposited in Habib Bank Limited.
To save the time, the easiest way to complete the process of submission of forms and getting prospectus is to download the Admission Form (including Address Slips and Challan Form) from the College website during given dates.
The downloaded form will have to be submitted along with a fee of Rs. 2558/-(includes registration fee and cost of prospectus) through Habib Bank Challan form (available along with the downloaded Admission Form) and deposited in any branch of Habib Bank Limited. (Pak Rs. 3000/- for those living abroad in form of bank draft in favour of Principal, Cadet College Hasan Abdal). Application form Complete in all respect and copy of challan form (deposited) is to be sent to the address: Principal Cadet College Hasan Abdal. Prospectus will be sent on the postal address given in the form.
No quota allocation earmarked. Selection nation-wide on merit only. For further information,
cadet college hasan abdal contact number:
please contact:
Admission Office: 0572520440 or 0572520201 or 0572520210 (Ext 302)
Email: or
LAST DATE TO APPLY 13 March, 2023
ENTRANCE EXAM ON 19 March, 2023
cadet college hasan abdal result 2022:
cadet college hasan abdal result 2022 will be updated here as it is declared by College. The final result after the Interviews/Medical Test for Admission to Class VIII/O-Level 2023 (69th Entry) has been announced.
cadet college hasan abdal entry test result 2023
Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.