Labor Day in Pakistan will be observed on May 1st,2024. it marks a significant moment of reflection and celebration for the global workforce – International Labor Day.
Labor Day 2024 Pakistan
Labor Day 2024 Pakistan observance, also known as May Day, serves as a reminder of the contributions and rights of workers worldwide. It’s a time to acknowledge the progress made in labor rights, while also recognizing the challenges that persist in ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all workers.
آج پاکستان سمیت دنیا بھر میں عالمی یومِ مزدور جوش و خروش سے منایا جارہا ہے۔ یومِ مزدور کی مناسبت سے ہمارے ملک کے تمام چھوٹے بڑے شہروں میں تقریبات، سیمینارز، کانفرنسز اور پرامن ریلیوں کا انعقاد کیا جاتا ہے اور یہ عہد کیا جاتا ہے کہ مزدوروں کے معاشی حالات تبدیل کرنے کےلیے ہر ممکن عملی اقدامات کئے جائیں گے۔
یہ دن عالمی سطح پر محنت کشوں کو درپیش مسائل بے روزگاری، کم اجرت، ملازمت کے تحفظ، آزادئ اتحاد اور سماجی تحفظ وغیرہ کا مؤثر حل تلاش کرنے کا موقع فراہم کرتا ہے۔ محنت کشوں کا دن شکاگو کے مزدوروں کی پرعزم جدوجہد کی یاد تازہ کرتا ہے اور ان کے ساتھ اظہارِ یکجہتی کے تناظر میں ہر سال یکم مئی کو منایا جاتا ہے۔
Labor Day History
The history of International Labor Day traces back to the late 19th century when labor movements across the world demanded better working conditions, reasonable working hours, and fair wages. The struggles of workers during that era laid the foundation for many of the labor laws and regulations we have today. Over the decades, the observance of May 1st has evolved into a day of solidarity, where workers and labor unions come together to advocate for their rights and to highlight issues affecting the workforce.
یکم مئی کی تحریک دراصل امریکا میں انیسویں صدی کے آغاز سے شروع ہوجانے والی تحریکوں کا تسلسل تھی۔ 1806 میں امریکا کے مزدوروں نے اوقاتِ کار میں کمی کی تحریک شروع کی تھی۔ 1827 میں 15 مزدور یونینز نے اتحاد کرکے بھی اوقاتِ کار کےلیے تحریک چلائی تھی۔ 1861 میں امریکی کانوں کے محنت کش بھی منظم ہوچکے تھے۔ 1864 میں پہلی مرتبہ مختلف مزدور تنظیموں نے بین الاقوامی سطح پر ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ اتحاد کا فیصلہ کیا۔ اور مزدور تحریک کا روپ دھار لیا جبکہ صنعتی انقلاب کا آغاز اٹھارویں صدی کے اختتام پر برطانیہ میں ہوا۔1891 سے یکم مئی کو بطور یومِ مزدور منانے کا آغاز ہوا۔ پاکستان بھر میں محنت کشوں کا دن منانے کی باقاعدہ ابتدا 1973 میں ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کے دورِ حکومت میں ہوئی۔
However, a large section of the working class also spends this day working hard and earning a livelihood for themselves. Even today, when workers are being exploited in different parts of the world, they are being used only as a part of lifeless and speechless machinery.
International Labor Day 1st May 2024
On May 1, 1886, the workers, capitalists and industrialists of the city of Chicago, USA. The workers took to the streets on the exploitation, but the police opened fire on the procession, killing and injuring hundreds of workers, while dozens were hanged for raising their voice for their rights.
About a century and a half ago, when there was no fixed employer and job security, there were no liabilities, capitalist industrialists employed at their own wages and fired them whenever they wanted. Those working in front of fire furnaces were not even considered worthy of treatment. When the workers were being kept like slaves, the workers decided to raise their voice against this oppression.
Thankful Labor Day Quotes
’’تم ہماری جانیں لے سکتے ہو مگر ہماری اس آواز کو نہیں دبا سکو گے، یہ رہتی دنیا تک ہر غاصب اور استحصال کرنے والوں کا تعاقب کرتی رہیں گی‘‘۔
’’موت ایک حقیقت ہے جسے آنا ہے مگر مزدوروں کے حقوق کیلئے دی جانے والی ہماری جانوں کی بھاری قیمتیں تمہیں ادا کرنا پڑے گی‘‘
After the workers’ protests, the labor movement was first recognized in the United States, where in Chicago, like the rest of the world, the voice of the workers finally echoed in the chambers of industrialists and rulers. The state institutions continued to oppress and torture the wishes of the rulers. Many workers were sentenced to imprisonment, but every day the workers gathered and demanded and protested for fixing duty hours.
On the morning of May 1, 1886, when the protests did not stop, industrialists, state institutions opened fire on unarmed workers with heavy firearms, leading to the massacre of the workers. The streets of Chicago turned red with the blood of the workers, after the martyrdom of many labor leaders and laborers, the leading labor leaders were hanged, the workers happily wore the gallows as garlands of flowers and sacrificed for the workers, the poor of the living world.
Happy Labor Day
On this International Labor Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to building a world where every worker is treated with dignity and respect, where labor rights are upheld, and where no one is left behind. As we celebrate the achievements of the labor movement, let us also recommit ourselves to the ongoing struggle for justice, equality, and empowerment in the workplace. Because ultimately, the strength of our societies lies in the well-being and prosperity of our workers.

Fahad Munir is a seasoned journalist and editor at Awam PK, specializing in sharing accurate and timely news, job updates, and educational information to the Pakistani audience.